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CVSA Safety Events

CVSA Brake Safety Week: August 23– 29

Beginning Sunday, August 23rd, enforcement officials throughout North America will be inspecting commercial motor vehicles for any brake or other inspection violations. Any CMV found to have a violation will be placed out-of-service until the issue is resolved. If the vehicle passes, they will be issued a CVSA decal.

During last years’ Brake Safety Week, 13.5% of vehicles inspected were placed out-of-service for brake related violations. Additionally, 45% of violations found during the International Roadcheck were brake related.

CVSA International Roadcheck: September 8-11

Last week, the CVSA announced that the previously postponed International Roadcheck has been rescheduled for September 8-11, 2020. During this time, the CVSA in partnership with the federal associations of the United States, Canada and Mexico will conduct inspections in designated  locations across North America checking for compliance with local federal regulations. The North American Standard of Out-of-Service Criteria will be utilized to identify critical violations of drivers and vehicles. If any violations are discovered, either the driver, motor vehicle or both will be placed out-of-service until the issue is resolved.

Each year, the CVSA chooses one aspect of the inspection checklist. This year, the focus will be on driver requirements such as various documents, seatbelts and driver logs. However, there will still be a thorough inspection of the vehicle.

According to the FMCSA’s data from 2019, out of the 3.36 million inspections, 952,938 driver violations were identified with approximately 20% of those violations for out-of-service conditions.

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To speak to a compliance expert call:

Jim at 281-907-2696  (west)


Randy at 203-788-5147 (east)